AntMiner Z15 is manufactured by Bitmain and is the most powerful model of the company. It uses the Equihsh algorithm and is designed to mine Zcash (ZEC), Horizen (Zen), Comodo (KMD), VoteCoin (VOT) and many other cryptocurrencies.
AntMiner Z15 420 KSOL has the following parameters:
The ASIC has three cache boards, which are connected by 6-pin connectors. Three BM1746AA processors are mounted on each board. Only the standard mode is provided, with no overclocking capability. The air cooling is provided by four fans. Even during intensive work, the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees.
The ASIC is available with a Bitmain APW7 power supply.
Model |
AntMiner Z15 |
AntMiner Z11 |
Hashrate | 420 KSol/s | 135 KSol/s |
Power consumption | 1510 Вт | 1420 Вт |
Energy efficiency | 3.72 J/KSol | 10.5 J/KSol |
Product dimensions | 245*132,5*290 mm | 242*134*302 mm |
Weight | 5.9 кg |
5.0 кg |
You can use the calculator on our website to quickly assess the profitability of any model. To do so, the following operations need to be performed:
find the desired model in the list;
select the «Yield» button (among the buttons on the left);
mark the warehouse (China or Russia);
tick the currency (USD);
choose state (new or second-hand);
to specify cost of electricity (0,03 USD per KWh).
For the new model, use the calculator and get:
The highest daily return is obtained for ZEC - $9.62 per day ($3257 per year). At the current 20.06.2022 dollar exchange rate and the cryptocurrency value, the payback reaches 883 days, which corresponds to about 29 months.
Due to significant changes in cryptocurrency and ruble/dollar exchange rates, the payback may change significantly, so it is recommended to perform this calculation before purchasing equipment.
The AntMiner Z15 has the following advantages:
the ability to diversify the mining process by mining different cryptocurrencies;
high performance and energy efficiency;
easy installation and start-up;
low temperature even at maximum load.
For a free consultation, you need to enter the «Contacts» section and contact us.
The efficiency of a mining device depends on three characteristics: (performance, power consumption and energy efficiency). The Z15 model consumes almost the same amount of power as the Z11 model, at the same time the power has decreased, but the energy efficiency (the number of watts consumed per megacheh) has become 2.8 times higher.
You can use the calculator on our website to quickly assess the profitability of any model. To do so, the following operations need to be performed:
· find the desired model in the list;
· select the «Yield» button (among the buttons on the left);
· mark the warehouse (China or Russia);
· tick the currency (USD);
· choose state (new or second-hand);
· to specify cost of electricity (0,03 USD per KWh).
For the new model, use the calculator and get:
The highest daily return is obtained for ZEC - $9.62 per day ($3257 per year). At the current 20.06.2022 dollar exchange rate and the cryptocurrency value, the payback reaches 883 days, which corresponds to about 29 months.
Due to significant changes in cryptocurrency and ruble/dollar exchange rates, the payback may change significantly, so it is recommended to perform this calculation before purchasing equipment.
The AntMiner Z15 has the following advantages
· the ability to diversify the mining process by mining different cryptocurrencies;
· high performance and energy efficiency;
· easy installation and start-up;
· low temperature even at maximum load.
For a free consultation, you need to enter the «Contacts» section and contact us.